If you take proper care of the fish, it can live for more than fifteen years. The average lifespan of the fish is somewhere between ten to thirteen years. They are also known to fight with the fish of their species, especially during the breeding season.

If Oscar fish sense their territory is being invaded, they will attack their tank mates. However, they have territorial tendencies, so you should carefully choose the fish you house along with it in a community tank to prevent stress among the fish. They can recognize their owners and can be hand-fed. Oscars are intelligent fish that love to swim with purpose around the tank.

When the fish is born, its colors are dull but they begin to become brighter as it grows. The fins are fan-shaped that extend the length of their body. Some varieties also have olive or green bodies. Oscar fish have brown or black bodies with orange or red marks or marbling.

They prefer slow-moving water with lots of rocks and debris. Oscars are native to South America (Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador). That is why it is recommended that you have some fish-keeping experience before owning one. However, they have a high temperament, which makes it difficult to house them in a community tank. Their beauty, intelligence, and good manners make them pleasing fish for the aquarium. Oscar fish, also known as “Tiger Oscars” and “marble cichlids”, are popular freshwater fish that belong to the cichlid family.